We are thrilled to announce that we have been recognised as one of the Best for the World™ B Corps of 2021!
What is Best for the World?
The Best for the World are B Corps who have performed highly in one or more of the five impact areas assessed towards the B Corp certification. We have reached the top 5% of all B Corps worldwide in our ‘Community’ impact area for our size group.
What is a B Corp?
Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. We are legally required to consider the impact of our decisions on our workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. We are part of a community of leaders, driving a global movement of people using businesses as a force for good.
With 33% of consumers* seeing brands as responsible for the environment, it’s no surprise that the B Corp movement is growing both in trade, but also amongst consumer recognition.
It’s not just about the planet, though…
Certified B Corps, like us, are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.
For One Water to be certified, B Corp measured how responsible we are across a range of areas:
- Governance – how One Water is run, how transparent it is.
- Workers – how our workers are treated, what benefits they receive, whether they own shares in the company.
- Environment – how environmentally friendly One water is, including carbon footprint, waste and sustainability in our office.
- Customers – how good our service is for our customers.
- Community – how we support the local and wider community, how and what kind of suppliers we work with, how much we give back.
Why has One Water been recognised?
One Water has been recognised for our efforts in the Community area. This means that we are a top performer in contributing to the economic and social well-being of the communities in which we operate.
Out of 4,000 Certified B Corps worldwide, we are one of the highest scorers when it comes to how we approach diversity, economic impact, civic engagement, and supply chain impact.
Through our exemplary practices and policies directed at community impact, we are helping to build shared, sustainable prosperity for all.
What happens next?
We are proud to be one of the founding UK B Corps – so much so that all our products wear the B Corp logo as a badge of honour!
However, the BFTW is a notable achievement and we’re over the moon that we can finally share it with you! We thoroughly congratulate all our fellow BFTW B Corps, and all B Corps in general who are working hard to “B” the change.
We will continue collaborating with the global B Corp community to improve and positively impact all our stakeholders.
Check out the full Best for the World 2021 list on bcorporation.net