If you follow us on Facebook, you’ll know we’ve been looking at what we can do to
help the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Funding the provision of safe, clean drinking water is why One Water was set up. 100% of our profit is donated to fund projects in the harshest regions of the world, so naturally we’ve been looking at what we can do in the disaster stricken communities of the Philippines.
Now with photos, Nov 25th am:
Installing the Lifesaver C2, Barangay 3, Tacloban
Drinking the first contaminated water
Finally providing much needed clean water
Update Nov 22 am:
Our Lifesaver C2 has now arrived safely and been installed in a place called Barangay 3, one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Tacloban. This village has households living on less than $5 a day and currently having to spend on average $1 a day on bottles water.
The only water source is an open well that leads to water contaminated by people using the nearby rivers as toilets.
The c2 has been installed next to the well and is now being filled with buckets from the well. Within 2 hours of it arriving, there was a supply of sterile drinking water at a rate of 12 litres per minute.
For the 200 families in the immediate area the bright yellow C2 is not only giving them a much needed clean water immediately, but a constant supply for months to come. We should have some photos soon, but the connect is proving tricky at the moment!
Update Nov 19 pm:
Our C2 is currently en route by boat from the port of Cebu to Tacloban, via Ormoc City. It should be installed on Friday morning our time, at a school building that is being used as a shelter.
Nov 17
On Friday we agreed to divert £10,000 to fund one of Lifesaver System’s C2 water purification systems. These tanks contain amazing nanofiltration technology, delivering up to 2,000,000 litres of safe, sterile drinking water from even the most contaminated sources. Lifesaver Systems are also working with DFID, Oxfam, Save the Children and the International Medical Corps, to provide clean water to the stricken areas.
Our Lifesaver C2 waiting for collection
Make a donation
If you would like to help, you can visit The One Foundation page and make a donation. And of course, if you buy any of our drinks you are also helping, because 100% of the profit is donated.Find out more about Lifesaver systems.