I have a confession. When I was growing up; I Wombled, I Kept Britain Tidy, I had a Barnado’s box.
In my teens I became a card carrying organ donor (before I learnt to drive I hasten to add) and today our family sponsors both the RNLI (or ‘heroes’ as my 4 year old son calls them) and a young boy in Zambia.
But despite this, I wouldn’t call myself especially ‘charitably’ minded. In my mind, these are just the ‘right things’ to do. If you can, you should. Little things. Give away the cost of a sandwich every now and again. Nothing too big.

A bit like buying a bottle of One.
Nothing big. Not difficult.
But this small act has had a huge impact on those most in need of clean water in the world’s poorest communities.
So today I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone and anyone out there who has bought or stocked One water, flavoured water or our new No Added Sugar Juiced Water. Why? Well our donations went over the £14 million mark last week.
£14 million!!!
That’s quite something. Amazing really.
Over 3 million lives changed through the sales of a little water brand.
Who would have thought.
We’d all love to think that we can impact the world. So join in, help us raise £20 million for water projects by 2020 by stocking or buying One Water and become an Instant Hero to millions of people around the world.
I think Uncle Bulgaria would be proud.