I moved over to the UK from Australia four months ago and what an amazing and challenging whirlwind experience it has been so far! I could not have landed on my feet better with a great job, flat and friends supporting me on this new adventure. I have worked hard and I’m in a great place in my life which I try and remind myself every day, but sometimes that doubt monster can creep into your mind when you see so many others around you doing incredible things (thanks for that Facebook and Instagram!) which can make you question where you are in life and where you want to be.

We all have an idea of what success looks like to us – to me it was finish school, buy a car, complete further studies, get a job I love, progress in my career, buy a house, move overseas – I can now put a big tick next to all of those things and I should feel really proud of what I have accomplished in 27 years of life. But when do you stop moving the benchmark of success?

I am now working at One; an amazing company that is continually striving to reach the goal of a world in which everyone has access to clean water, forever. It seems like a simple idea on paper, yet in reality this is an enormous task. Our small team continues to kick goals and strive for success and celebrate our achievements along the way of getting closer to reaching this vision.

Heading up our team is a very inspirational and generous human – Duncan Goose. He started this company 11 years ago with an idea and passion to get this company off and running and it certainly has! It’s not enough for Duncan that he has started the company that has already helped over 3 million people and donated over £14 million to help clean water projects in Africa, he has now started a new project – Global Investment Fund for Water – which is an incredibly exciting project. I don’t think he will ever stop striving for success and I am lucky to have him as a role model in my life – to never stop going after what you want, whatever the end goal is!

Here's Duncan at World Water Week in Stockholm this week
Here’s Duncan at World Water Week in Stockholm this week

I have come to the realisation that your idea of success doesn’t simply stop when you reach each benchmark you make for yourself. We all continue to grow, achieve and strive for the next big thing in our lives!