I’m very excited to reveal that we’re working with Pop My Mind to inspire up-and-coming artists to create original artwork for our new Origins range, which launches later this month.
We first met the Pop My Mind team (Oliver, Laurel and Karis – all creatives themselves) at this year’s London Coffee Festival – and after seeing some of their inspirational work, we had to get them involved in our latest project.
Acting as the go between for artists and companies, the real heart of Pop My Mind is the 500 handpicked creatives they manage. Many of these are ‘hot off the press’ artists who have graduated and are using this as a way to interact with bigger companies and apply their talent, not only for creating artwork but also for conceiving really imaginative ideas that can be used for various marketing activities and campaigns. There are also many professional, established artists from around the globe who apply their expert knowledge to the mix.
We will be sending sample packs of our new organic, botanically infused spring water Origins range to 20 artists for them to respond creatively to the flavours, origins and sensations of the drinks. We won’t be able to share the unique creations until September (look out for updates on our social media channels until then), so we’d like to share a sneak preview from a selection of the artists taking part in this project…
Rebecca Freeman
Rebecca is an artist based in St Albans, Hertfordshire. “I specialise in watercolours because I like using vibrant colours and I love the way they blend together. I usually paint animals and landscapes and I explore themes such as nature and man-made, travel and seasons.”
Lindsay Elise Jolly
Lindsay Elise Jolly is an experimental artist who works in many different medias. With a strong curiosity towards material properties, she investigates the unknown and unpredictable. Jolly enjoys contrasting and paradoxical elements within her work and questions art and creativity during the processes of making. Much of her work is made to a raw aesthetic that shows the process of its own creation.
Sat Biswas
Sat describes himself as a visual storyteller and is based in Mumbai, India. “Most of my time is spent in documenting life and things living around me using photography as a medium. Photography was a way to explore my lonely childhood and tumultuous boyhood, until it became a sacred part of my expressions and existence. I love depicting the smaller visuals of life and narrating the finer aspects of the abstracts around me. Stylistically, I am deeply influenced by ‘Lyrical Abstraction’, and take inspiration from poetry, film-making and my differently able daughter, Ira”
Bethany Freer
Currently studying a Fine Art degree at Norwich University of the Arts, Bethany Freer enriches her practice with historical context; Surrealism and Psycho analysis playing a huge role in how her work is created. Automatic drawing style is the basis of all her work, as she uses this technique to create authentic abstract gestures that seem to morph and reveal different visuals depending on who is looking at the piece.
Karis Lambert
Karis Lambert is a fine artist from Yorkshire, graduating in BA Hons Fine Art from Lancaster University in 2015. Since then she has been specialising in portraiture through the medium of ink painting. Her work explores various themes including the concept of the self and internal thought processes. Her reference material is often sourced from social media and her own photography, and she finds influences from digital painting and glitch art.
We’ll be keeping you posted as the project progresses. Follow @OneDifference and @PopMyMind on Twitter for the latest updates.
The art of Origins