The One Foundation has a simple vision: a world in which everyone has access to clean and safe water, forever.

Our mission is to support sustainable clean water and sanitation services to change lives in some of the world’s poorest countries.

We aim to live by the following values in the work that we support and seek partners whose values reflect our own:

  • Empowerment
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Partnership and Collaboration
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Courage and Agility

As enshrined by the United Nations in 2011, access to clean water and sanitation is not only a human right in and of itself, but is the liquid potential that allows people to live with dignity and unlock life’s opportunities.

As a small UK charity, we aim to make a meaningful contribution to achieving the UN’s Global Goal 6, (clean water and sanitation for all) by ensuring our efforts are clearly focused to achieve maximum impact.

Our grant-making is focused on four priority countries – Rwanda, Malawi, Ghana and Kenya. We aim to raise £50 million for our work by 2030 and to invest that in the following ways:

75% large scale urban water systems

15% immediate interventions in rural communities

10% responding to humanitarian emergencies

Our ambition is that ultimately we can walk away from our projects knowing that they are self-sustaining. Our grant-making is therefore underpinned by the following key principles and we assess each potential project with these in mind.


Photo Credit: Water for People and

Our Grant-Making Criteria


We look for a focus on quality in the projects we support, including quality of drinking water, reliability of the water supply and the supporting infrastructure.

Sustainability and Engagement

We support projects that can demonstrate community commitment, appropriate financial management models, affordability of services to users, clear project ownership and evidence of sustainability beyond our intervention.

Wider community benefits

We look for indicators that projects will contribute towards wider community benefits, particularly reducing waterborne diseases, improving health and hygiene practices, enabling opportunities for education and stimulating local economic activity.

Locally appropriate solutions

We work in both rural and urban environments and so the approach take must be both country and region specific. We support projects that understand the local context and need and which are value driven.